HOW THIS WORKS...If you have never been playing paintball with us one weekend, then you might want to sign up and go ! We have our own equipment and take trips almost every weekend in the spring. We play paintball from 9:00am - 12:00pm on Saturday, then grab lunch at a nearby BBQ restaurant. then head back to Raleigh. If you would like come go hang out with us one weekend, then sign up at the link on the app and we will email you more details. Below I've explained most everything that you'd want to know, but if you have other questions, just email us !
-- The location we play at is a private farm up Hwy 64 between Raleigh and Rocky Mount where we have multiple playing fields already set up. We will email you exact directions a few days bfore the trip.
-- The cost for playing is $19 / person and you can pay online before the trip. That covers everything you need to play (gun, paint, mask, paint, etc) and holds you a spot. If you can't pay online you can bring $20 cash with you if there are spots available.
-- You will want to be sure and wear long pants (even if it's warmer outside). You will be running around in the woods so jeans or Carhartts are preferable. You will also want to be sure and wear close-toed shoes. Just make sure you don't mind your clothes shoes getting dirty. We will provide camo T-shirts for you to wear so there is no huge need to come already decked out in camo
-- If you pay in advance and realize later you cannot go, we can transfer your name to another weekend OR we can refund you $15.
-- The first time you play in a semester, the cost will be $19, however, if you want to go back a second time that same semester, the cost will only be $10. Before paying for the second trip, be sure to email to get your promo discount code
(Hazards & Risks - Be sure and read ! )
-I want to make sure everyone knows what they are getting into when they go play and some of the hazards and risks involved. You will be asked to sign an online liability form before playing. We will be playing outdoors on a farm near a pond. During the warmer weather, there can be ticks, snakes, poison ivy, briars, stinging insects, and a bunch of other outdoor-type hazards. We have never had any serious injuries due to actual paintball, but we have had small injuries from running in the woods such as cuts, scratches, falls, sprained ankles, twisted knees, etc. In the warmer weather, we've had a few guys that have gotten ticks and/or poison ivy. We have tried to make it all as safe as possible, but there are always risks in playing. If anyone playing is allergic to poison ivy, bee stings, etc, or any other outside plants, please take caution before going. If you have any medical condition that we need to be aware of (allergies, diabetic, seizures, etc) please be sure to let us know and bring any needed medication or foods.
--As a rule, we have not allowed people to bring their own guns. This is not so we can make money or anything, it is simply because it becomes unfair. We use fun, Tippman SL-68II guns. When everyone uses them, it is a LOT of fun. If someone brings their own high-powered-laser-sighted-double-trigger-modified-barrel-fully-automatic paintgun, it becomes unfair to everyone else. You may, however, bring your own mask and accessories if you would like.